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Heart-Based Meditation

A simple technique that allows one to return to their natural state of inner peace, while offering countless benefits that are deeply transformational and life-changing.

Learn with us!

We hold 3-week courses in person, in our lovely studio space.

Please plan to attend all four classes in the series.


Next course dates: TBD


Suggested donation: $50-150


Information and registration

Looking to learn online?

Join our teacher Dr. Paul Dugliss for one of his courses: learn more.

About the technique


Accessible to all (yes, even those of us who have a hard time sitting quietly!) this technique allows one to go beyond thoughts, emotions and sensations. Unlike other types of meditation, we are not trying to stop the train of thoughts or to force ourselves into a calmer state. On the contrary, this technique can teach us that meditation can be truly effortless as we allow the natural process of clearing and releasing to take place.


Heart-Based Meditation offers powerful tools to significantly improve daily life and facilitate inner growth. As one comes into balance, stresses fall away and all areas of life improve. 


Like other transcendental types of meditation, this technique allows us to contact Pure Consciousness deep within and shift into deeper states of consciousness, relaxation and inner knowing. Through Heart-Based Meditation, we learn that the process of meditation can be truly effortless, that there is nothing to try for, nothing to force or achieve and no experience we’re “supposed to have.” We learn to accept things as they are, make friends with the flow of our thoughts and access inner peace as a natural result.


Taking a short time each day to let go and to tune in creates space for us to awaken and shine. A regular meditation practice is deeply nourishing for our nervous system, our brain, our emotional health and our stress levels. In addition, daily meditate elevates our consciousness and intuition.


Coupled with consciousness-based techniques, this meditation is very powerful in releasing old mind patterning, healing deep seated stress and accessing true inner peace.​


Heart-Based Meditation helps us cultivate a deep connection and resonance with the heart center, opening a new world of possibilities. Benefits are countless.


  • Reduction of stress and anxiety

  • More restful sleep

  • Improved mental clarity and decision making

  • More harmonious relationships and better conflict resolution

  • Natural healing – creating health from the inside out

  • Cravings shift toward those that serve, not hinder, overall wellness

  • Experience more joy and love in your life

  • Synchronicities and the effortless fulfillment of desires

  • Shifting and release of old programs, patterns, and behaviors that keep you stuck

  • Less reactivity to outside triggers

  • More emotional stability​​


Our donation-based training will give you the instruction and guidance needed to create and maintain a life-enriching daily practice. On going community support will help you stay connected and deepen your practice. 


Contact Jess to find out about our on-going donation-based trainings. 


For more information on Heart-Based Meditation and heart-centered living, visit our teacher's website here.


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