Please note that Blossom Wellness Center is not a medical clinic and its practitioners are not medical care provider. We do not diagnose or treat disease or prescribe medicine. We encourage you to be under the care of a primary care physician, as the therapeutic services we offer are not substitutes for medical treatment.
Costa Rica Retreat registration is now open! April 6-12 · in Guanacaste · Will you join us?
We offer you a whole week of workshops and classes to dive into the incredible ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda.
Unlimited pass
Includes all special workshops AND drop-in studio classes
only $99 - valid April 23rd to April 30th
An amazing opportunity to choose your favorite classes & immerse yourself in the sister sciences of Ayurveda & Yoga
*Workshop regular price: $33 each
Join the growing central Vermont Ayurvedic community - whether you are a beginner who is curious about Ayurveda or have experience and want to expand the knowledge you already have, there are opportunities for all!
Also happening: Spring Cleanse
Summer is coming! Time to peel off the layers and feel great in your body. Join a group of like-minded individuals for this guided 8-day Ayurvedic cleanse. Cleanse runs April 24 - May 1. More details and registration can be found here.
workshop schedule
Sunday April 23rd
Conscious Living for Kapha Season with Heather Neff
11a - 12:30p
Ayurveda 101: a beginner's workshop with Kristin Henningsen
12 - 2p
Rasayana : Ayurvedic Rejuvenation with Molly Goodspeed
2 - 3:30p
Monday April 24th
Dinacharya : Ayurvedic Lifestyle with Marisa Hall
5:30 - 7p
Wednesday april 26th
Guided Exploration of the Koshas: The 5 Layers of the Self with Jess O’Brien
5 - 6:30p
Thursday april 27th
Seasonal Attunement for your Elemental Senses with Merin Perretta
5 - 7p
friday april 28th
The Process of Purification: Ayurveda as a Journey of Spiritual Evolution with Carina Antonino DiMare
5:30 - 7:30p
Restorative Yoga for the Seasonal Soul with Anjali Budreski
Saturday april 29th
Womb Massage and Marma Therapy for Menstrual Health with Adena Rose Bright
10 - 12p
A Luscious, Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Forest Bath with Anne Bergeron
12 - 2p (Rain Date, Sunday, April 30, 12-2 pm)
sunday april 30th
Herbs & Spices for the Doshas with Kristin Henningsen
12 - 2p
Kitchari and Ghee making workshop with Caity Kaye
2 - 3:30p

Please note: Covid policy
We have chosen to make masks optional in our space. Thank you for taking care of yourself, and please respect each other's choices in this matter, we all have our own ever-evolving needs and reasons!
Most importantly: DO NOT attend in-person classes if you have the slightest symptoms, or have been exposed and not cleared. A lot of our classes will soon be available in the hybrid format, so you can always join us from home. Click here to read more.